The Truth Behind Bioplastics

We are producing too much plastic and it’s killing thousands of animals. It is thought that bioplastics can provide a solution to the plastic epidemic we are facing.

The fact that plastics are so cheap and easy to make makes them very popular. But they have a big flaw. They are non-biodegradable so they can never fully break down naturally.

What makes the situation even worse, is that the majority of plastic is designed to be used once and then thrown away. Due to people’s carelessness, lack of legislation, and many other factors, most plastic ends up in nature like in the oceans.

Some think bioplastic is the answer. But what are they and are they really as good as they sound?

Biodegradable Plastic vs Bioplastic

So first things first. Let’s take a quick look at conventional plastics.

‘Normal Plastic’:

Plastic is the most widely used material across the world. It is so versatile and it can be used for almost anything. This is why it has become such a big problem. Companies are choosing plastic to reduce the cost of their products.

Why is plastic harmful to the environment?

  • Non-biodegradable so they never break down completely
  • Pollute the oceans and other ecosystems
  • Micro-plastics contaminate our water and our food
  • They are made from fossil fuels which is a finite source.

Over several centuries non-biodegradable plastics manage to degrade with the help of the sun’s UV radiation and the force of the ocean. It’s important to note that they do not biodegrade because bacteria and other microorganisms cannot digest them. It’s not a food source for them.

Plastics are not part of the natural nutrient cycle. They just slowly turn into smaller and smaller particles until we cannot longer see them. This is what we know as micro-plastics.


Bioplastic can mean two things:

However, not all plastic made from renewable sources is necessarily biodegradable and bioplastic can be derived from petroleum and be biodegradable. There are many different types of bioplastics like there are many types of conventional plastic and they each have different properties.

A common bioplastic is PLA (Polylactic Acid) which comes from a renewable source. However, like most bioplastics, it can only biodegrade under specific conditions. They cannot biodegrade in the oceans on their own.

Advantages of Bioplastics:

  • Bioplastic made of natural material has a lower overall carbon footprint as the crops needed to produce them take in carbon dioxide while they grow.
  • Some are made of renewable materials instead of non-renewable fossil fuels
  • Can be made to break down quickly
  • They can contain less toxic substances

Biodegradable plastic

People often confuse the two. Biodegradable plastics refer to petroleum-based plastics which can biodegrade. The way this is done is by adding substances to encourage biodegradation when exposed to the sun.

The Reality

We continue to produce an increasing amount of plastic as if we don’t have enough plastic pollution in our ocean, in our ecosystems, and our selves.

But don’t be tricked into thinking that bioplastic can simply biodegrade in the environment. It’s proven that biodegradable plastic is no different to normal plastic if not treated correctly.

They can only biodegrade under certain conditions, such as at high temperatures, and this can only be done in compost facilities that are designed to process and break down bioplastic.

If people are not educated, or if there aren’t many compost facilities then bioplastics will not really do much to help. Most bioplastic are ending up in landfills because there aren’t enough compost facilities. If the area that you live in has no such facility, all plastic will get dumped in a landfill.

Companies do not make it clear to consumers. They don’t explain to them what a bioplastic really is and what is needed for it to break down. For this reason, many bioplastics are not discarded properly.

The consumer doesn’t know if the packaging can be recycled, composted or if it is biodegradable.

Other Disadvantages

  • It doesn’t specify how long it takes for biodegradation to take place. So it could take decades for it to completely break down if it ends up in nature for example.
  • They are not always biodegradable
  • They look the same as ordinary plastics so it’s hard to distinguish them. It makes it confusing for consumers when discarding them.
  • Increased pollution of fertilizers to grow crops
  • Less land available for food production
  • It risks increased littering because people will think they will simply biodegrade. We cannot let this happen. People must be informed about this subject.


Bioplastics still have a long way to go. They are certainly not the solution to solve all of our plastic challenges but they could play a part in the future to reduce our pollution and carbon emissions.

Plastic has helped us advance and is making our life easier. However, as we come to terms with what plastic is doing to our planet, we need to find new solutions. The way we are living is not sustainable anymore.

Companies need to move away from plastics and find new alternatives. At first, bioplastic may sound like the perfect answer but there’s without a doubt a lot of improvements to be done to it.

Reducing our plastic use, in general, is the best way to reduce this problem.

Bioplastic is certainly not the answer. But it’s promising.

Sofia Hadjiosif
Sofia Hadjiosif

I've always cared about the planet but never knew how I could use my skills to create an impact. But that's when I decided to start Terra Movement. To get other creatives involved in the climate movement and inspire more people to help the planet and its people.

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